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What We Offer


The Dance Studio

Our club is open from 12:00 pm to 9:00pm Tuesday-Friday, and Saturdays by appointment. Members are welcome at any time to stop by, enjoy the atmosphere, observe the lessons, and practice to their heart’s content. Unless the ballroom is overcrowded, we welcome and encourage you to practice either by yourself or with another member. Couples should start using the studio at their earliest possible opportunity to practice techniques and develop confidence.

Private Dance Lessons

“Private” indicates one teacher and one student, or a couple taking lessons together. Lessons are 45 minutes long and all lessons are taught in the main ballroom. While you may share the dance floor, you will always have your instructor’s undivided attention. It is important to remember each student is concerned with his or her own progress and rarely notices others, so don’t be self-conscious.

Group Dance Classes

Group classes are vital to your learning process and will enable you to dance comfortably with many different partners. Classes are held Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6:00PM and 7:00PM and all students are welcome to attend. Check with your instructor for the one most appropriate for your level of learning.  Lessons taught in group classes are add-ons to private lessons, or additional learning that involves such things as specific party dances or special dance techniques. Special care is taken to ensure that a new member fits into the classes they attend. The classes are 45 minutes and the schedule is printed monthly on our calendar of events which you can find at the front desk.

Club Dance Parties

Parties with other members offer the opportunity to get out on the dance floor and practice what you’ve learned in a safe, non-judgmental environment. They are a great precursor to strutting your stuff at that upcoming cruise, social function, wedding, dance club, or competition you’ve been preparing for.  Our parties are once a month from 7:45PM-10:00PM and our members love the chance to get together with old friends, meet new students, socialize and DANCE! We serve light refreshments and libations and offer various activities during the evening.  Our Kaluby’s family is very welcoming to all new-comers and you will quickly make friends and find amazing support from all of us while spending time with others who love to dance and enjoy themselves. Some parties are theme parties, most are dressy-casual, and all are, as well as our members, always in good taste. Throughout the years our parties continue to be our most popular activity.

Outside Activities

Outside functions are open to all members. These events are mostly semi-formal and held at unique and exciting venues all over town. There are usually three to five outside functions yearly, based around such activities as Exhibition Showcases, Dance Recitals, Destination Unknown parties, and On-the-Town parties. These are always exciting events for our members that everyone looks forward to.

Travel Excursions

Our Travel Excursions are, for the most part, supervised dancing tours held in cities other than our own. These trips take many forms, from cruises to dance caravans, and sometimes are simply visits to fun cities to let our dancing hair down. Wherever they are, they are always extremely popular.

Types of Membership

The actual learning process takes many forms for, after all, everyone has different needs and rarely do two people learn the same. As our students come in all shapes and sizes, so do their abilities and desires.

Introductory Membership

A great beginning but it is only the beginning. The purpose of the Introductory Membership is to allow us to see what it will take to help you become the dancer you would like to be. This introduction offers a taste of what is available in our other programs while allowing you to see whether you would like to go further than wiggling your toes in the dance water.

Social Foundation Club Program

Our Social Foundation Club program is perfect if you want to hustle right into the social dance scene. There are a sufficient number of lessons, classes, and party activities to help you quickly develop from a beginner into a comfortable social dancer.

The Awards Membership

This membership is designed for those members who really want to step whole heartedly into dancing. The Awards program, which accompanies the Awards membership, is a highly supervised and tested method of learning and is excellent for both men and women. This program guarantees your dance accomplishments will not be ordinary. Within the Awards Program structure are the following dance standards:

  • Bronze Social Award (Phase 1 and 2)

  • Silver Star Award (Phase 1 and 2)

  • Gold Performance Award (Phase 1 and 2)

  • International Award

  • Performing Arts Award

The conclusion of any standard or intermediate standard (Phase 1 or 2) is highlighted by an Awards or Graduation Ball. The Ball is attended by all interested members and is preceded by the Awards judging, which is performed by judges from unassociated clubs and schools. Besides being exciting, glamorous and fun, these affairs are our most important social functions.

and finally....

There are far more types of dance programming than can be covered here. Dancing is, after all, a current event. Every year something new in dancing surfaces and captures the public eye. These are usually fad dances that vanish as quickly as they appear; however, once in a while, one dance stays around long enough to become a “Dance Standard” and it is around these standards we base the majority of our teaching. (Although, we must admit, when a new dance comes along we are the first to jump on the bandwagon and learn it.) Dancing is our business AND our passion and we want to experience all of it.
Kaluby’s Dance Club offers a wide variety of dance interests and activities-enough to satisfy the simplest or the most sophisticated dancing desires. Becoming a good dancer is an excellent way of caring for yourself as well as letting your partner know you care about their enjoyment and like to spend time having fun with them.

Dance Programs

Kaluby’s Dance Studio has developed a highly creative, fun, and easy way of learning. You’ll start learning basic steps and movements, then you’ll match them with the rhythm of the music and, before you know it….YOU’RE DANCING! Learning to dance with grace, poise, style and control has never been easier. If you are an advanced dancer, take the opportunity to stop by and one of our certified instructors will show you the newest steps.

Types of Programs and Medalist Standards of the Kaluby’s Dance Club:

  • Introductory Program

This program is designed as an introduction to the popular social dances. This allows your teacher to take care of your intermediate dancing needs and evaluate your future ones.

  • Basic Program

This program is designed to develop a few basic dances. Emphasis is placed on three most important elements of dancing, namely foot positions, rhythm, turning and leading, or following.

  • Social Foundation Program

This is the program for the impatient dancer. It will develop free movement around the floor, much more variety, technique, footwork, and your first introduction to styling. This dance program is very popular with the person who wants to get on the floor right away. You will be evaluated in each phase by Mr. Kaluby’s Examiner.

  • Full Bronze Program

Bronze is the full social standard. It is designed to develop timing and technique in all social dances. The styling will make you look and feel comfortable while on the floor. It will strengthen your lead and/or follow so that no matter who your partner is, what kind of music is playing, or what type of dance floor you’re on, you will look poised and comfortable in all the popular social dances as well as many variations. It will give you all the confidence you will ever need on the dance floor. Dancing at this level will be yours to keep as you will never forget the elements of each dance. It is the fun point in dancing when you don’t have to think about anything other than your partner and having fun yourself.

  • Silver Program

Silver is a dance standard with a high degree of styling. Flashy movements make this standard stand out on the dance floor. Continuity of movement enables a couple to glide around the dance floor with many changes of direction. Technique is very important to develop this type of movement.

  • Gold Program

Our Gold Standard is for the Stars! Strictly for the person who wants to do exhibitions. Its practice patterns are only to be used when both people really know what they are doing. Choreography, Styling, Technique and Showmanship are necessities in this standard. The smoothness and control make this a beautiful standard and you will truly be regarded as an outstanding dancer able to excel in any dance.

Our Dance Studio is open from 12:00pm-9:00pm Tuesday-Friday, and 11:00am-2:00pm on Saturdays. Members are welcome at any time to stop by, enjoy the atmosphere, observe the lessons, and practice to their heart’s content. Unless the ballroom is overcrowded, we welcome and encourage you to practice either by yourself or with another member. We encourage our new members to start using the studio at the earliest possible opportunity to practice techniques and develop confidence.

(904) 338-9200

9920 Old Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256, USA

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